Thursday, March 22, 2012


“That is my favorite” is my most notable embellished statement.
Right now I am gazing out my office window that overlooks Bluefield College. The crabapple tree has beautiful tiny green leaves peeking through its branches. Students are laughing in the Plaza. It is 75 degrees. The grass is greener than anything I have ever seen. The sky has colossal fluffy white clouds that are evenly distributed with the blue sky. It is a downright glorious day.

I might dare to say, this is my favorite kind of day.

I would also say that a day with red, yellow, purple and orange leaves crunching under my feet as I find my way to my chaise lounge with a good book is my favorite kind of day.

Or a day when I am outside with my snow loving dog and husband throwing snowballs at each other, knowing that a cup of hot chocolate is waiting for me, is my favorite kind of day.

Or a sweltering hot summer day with a fishing pole trolling on the back of my kayak as I ramble down the New River while my feet dangle in the cool northern flowing waters, is my favorite kind of day.

I have a ton of “favorites” because, as a human, I am an opportunist. We take the opportunities that are attractive to us when they arise.

I believe that is why the Liberal Arts model was created. We need that variety in opportunities.

We want to see the beauty in science, arts, math, history and language. We need to be able to challenge our minds through selection and multiple “favorites”. If we do not have that option, we will never adapt to this changing world.

Change is inevitable and organic. Getting a Liberal Arts education is only natural.

“We are committed to graduating students who think critically, communicate effectively, and adapt readily to a changing world.” ~ An excerpt from the Bluefield College Mission

~Maggie Lavoie

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