Monday, June 13, 2011

Maggie's Trek- Now What

Hi I am Maggie Lavoie. This is my story about how I ended up at Bluefield College in 2002:

I grew up in the 90’s. While most current college freshmen were in the infant stage, I was memorizing every word to The Lion King. A phrase from that movie that I lived by was “Hakuna Matata.” It means: no worries. If you ask a close friend of mine or a co-worker, they will let you know that I say this phrase at least 1-10 times a day.

Unfortunately I take that phrase a little too seriously. I procrastinate… a lot.

Picture this: I sat at McDonalds with a chicken sandwich one lovely spring Wednesday night after youth group. It was tradition for the entire youth group to take over our local Mickey D’s after worship. My buddy since kindergarten, Fredrick, and I were sitting in a corner booth chatting and he asked:

“Mags, where are you going to college?”

“Psh, duh,cough, uhhhhhh…” I expelled with embarrassment.

Let me give you a history about Fredrick to explain my embarrassment: He was top of his class at a very well-known private high school that excels in academics. It was the kind of school where all the kids drive Audis and BMWs. Fredrick planned on going to Georgia Tech in the fall of 2002 to study Nuclear and Radiological Engineering. He sure enough finished with that degree at Georgia Tech and he is currently working with a prestigious nuclear science firm.

Here I was, in April, without a college in mind. After my stutter-fest, I let Fredrick know that I had dropped the ball and had procrastinated with filling out applications and visiting colleges.

Fredrick took on the role of my guidance counselor and proceeded to tell me about this small Christian college that a few of our friends were going to.

“You should go check out Bluefield College. I think it would be a good fit for you.”

So I visited…

… to be continued…

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