I visited Bluefield College on Cinco de Mayo, 2002 with a bit of trepidation. My mom and I pulled up to campus around 10am. It was snowing (May 5th mind you) and there were students crawling out of the cave on campus.
A few things to know about me before I continue my story:
1. My parents’ only idea of outdoor fun is skiing. Family vacation is always a wintertime event in my household. Don’t get me wrong, I love skiing too, but I as a kid and teenager I was always wanted more of the outdoors. I was intrigued with the idea of backpacking, camping, repelling and white water kayaking. My parents… not so much… at all.
2. I think this has to do with my love for skiing and snowboarding: I love snow.
I love shoveling snow.
I love snowball fights.
I love watching my dog play in the snow (She loves snow too.)
I love watching it fall.
I love it when it snows in October.
I wrote a song about how much I love snow.
I love snow storms late into the spring. Got the point yet?
What’s this? Two of my favorite things occurring simultaneously the moment I arrived to BC. I immediately became excited about this college visit.
I toured campus and I fell head over heels in love with Bluefield College. Everything felt like home to me. I met Walter Shroyer, head of the Art Department, and he showed me around Cox Studio (such an amazing facility.) I saw that the dorms were suite style so I wouldn’t have to share a bathroom with a billion other girls whose hygiene habits were unknown to me.
Things bigger than snow and outdoorsyness (according to spell check, I just made up a word) started to fall into place for me. From the academics that were offered to the relaxed Christian atmosphere, I knew that BC was the place for me.
Obviously BC was a perfect place for me because I am still here. (For those of you with concerns with this fact, I did Graduate… with honors… in 2006) I came back to campus to work in 2008 with the Admissions Office. I love to share my college experiences with students, so please don’t hesitate to ask any questions!
Please come and visit us too. It is so important to make sure BC is a good fit for you.
And for snow haters, I haven’t seen it snow in May since then. You will be ok!