The Admissions team has been on the road like it is their job! (well, because it is their job) We are out meeting students like you. This is the picture of one of our cars taking a pit stop at Historical Mitchie Tavern in Charlottesville, VA. Go there for a good hot meal after touring Monticello or wandering around Carter Mountain Orchard (The reason the Subaru is terribly muddy)

Last but not least. Today is the start of Homecoming on our beautiful campus. This morning the beauty was interrupted by this display of art (?) Ah, the Secret Seven. Legend has it that President Charles Harman ('46-'72) started the original prankster group. There has been periods of activity and periods of dormancy since the start. The group is comprised of seven students. Rumor has it these past students have went on to become elected officials, CEOs, pastors and even faculty and staff on this very campus.

- A Volkswagen Bug (belonging to a professor) was placed inside the Library
- Unbolting all the chairs in the Chapel a night before convocation
- Pranking various offices with barnyard animals
- Stealing the Ram head from the SAC and holding it for "Ransom"
- Placing an old Toilet in the Academic Dean's Office
- Dixie Cupping the Dean of Student's Office
You will also find that several hymnals in our Chapel have been donated by the Secret 7.