Let me just start off by saying that the weather in Bluefield is so bipolar. One day we are sledding, the next day it’s raining and washing away our sledding hill. This morning it was so nice outside that I could wear just a t-shirt and jeans and be comfortable, but only a few hours later it was pouring and freezing! Personally, my vote is that we get more snow, because I want to try out the new sleds that we won at stock-your-room-Bingo. Just in case you aren’t aware, this is the night when S.U.B. (Student Union Board) gives away a ton of cool free stuff like food, gift cards, sleds, and a futon! It’s pretty much one of my favorite events ever.

Although it’s great coming back to school for second semester, I have learned that it is not so fun during flu season. Once one person gets it, you better say your prayers and go stock up on some Airborne. It doesn’t mess around; my suitemate and roommate got it, so did the people across the hall and it was not pretty! The good news is, teachers understanding as long as you tell them why you are going to miss class. They are actually probably happy you are staying in bed so that they don’t catch it and bring it home to their families.
I’m taking the ceramics on the wheel class, and let me just tell you that I really wish that I had taken the pottery I class first. I didn’t realize that I skipped the beginner class and now it is really tough trying to throw on a wheel. Walter, the teacher, is really good at what he does, but he makes everything look so easy when it really isn’t. Moral of the story, take the beginner class first if you want to do pottery.
The cafeteria food has gotten better. They got in a healthy choices bar, which has weightwatcher point values on the food. They also started to put out more fruit than they had before. There is a new Panini bar and some better things were added to the salad bar. One of my favorites, they got a chocolate milk machine! So, even when I don’t like what they are serving in the line, at least I have a couple more options now.