The past few months at Bluefield have been a blast! I was a little nervous when I first got here; what if people don’t like me? What kind of things do I want to get involved with? I asked myself all of the usual questions that a college freshman would ask themselves.
I am rarely ever bored here at Bluefield. Whether we are going to a

Last weekend was our homecoming. The theme was Havana Nights and they did a very good job with decorating and fitting it into the dance itself. We were offered Salsa dancing lessons for the last couple of weeks, which I attended. Everyone who went seemed to have a really good time, and it came in handy when they played some Salsa music at the dance. There was a lot of good music played, and you couldn’t help but get up on the dance floor and join in with everybody else. It was a fun dance that left everyone exhausted the next day.