Hello and I hope you have had a wonderful day. Let me see where should I begin about life at BC right now? Well, our Spring Formal went off with a "splash"! Everyone seemed to enjoy it and have a great time the entire night. I am a member of the Student Union Board and we put on any big events for the campus body. It was a long...long day that Friday. We actually began decorating and making
decorations days and even weeks ahead of time, just because it gets so hectic a few days before the dance. Our theme was "Under the Sea" and we felt like we were going to see fish, whales, and dolphins in our sleep because of what we were working with for decorations. That and we were
DEFINITELY sick of seeing the color blue! Wow, it was a lot a blue! But, students loved the decorations and the theme, so it was worth our blue insanity.
On another note, winter is officially over and spring is here to stay...at least until summer. Walking around on campus in the 72 degree weather, I feel like a
obsessive poet...."The flowers are all in bloom and the animals are all a flutter as they mingle happily on the
Bluefield campus". Man, where did that come from?And I'm not even an English major!
The weather is beautiful though, especially compared to the cold, icy winter that
Bluefield faces every year. Every one is ready for winter to arrive by the time summer is over. Everyone is ready for the snow to fall and cover the mountains, but we are really ready for spring once winter is brought to a close.

Bluefield College campus and community is right in the middle of Holocaust Remembrance month. All month long, we have been focusing on the events of the Holocaust and it's survivors from that raged time of hatred. The Drama Department has just finished it's astounding performance of "The Diary of Anne Frank", the tale of Anne Frank and family through her diary. The play was amazingly done and I marveled at how the actors and actresses really became their character that they were portraying. By the end of the play, I was emotionally and mentally tired. It really seemed to take me into the horrible times and
wrap me into the characters lives that they bravely faced everyday and every night. Every area and department here on campus is involved in this look into the Holocaust and we are all e
ntranced in the
immensity of its horror and hope through it all. It has been an
incredible and startling experience so far and I am usually eager to see what I can experience in the next event geared toward the memorial of those from the Holocaust.
Well, that's all from me this time around. I hope you have a pleasant day, I know I will in this wonderful weather here, and until my next blog, happy spring!