Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. ~ Luke 2:14
Thursday, December 18, 2008
January 31st Deadline
Just so you know, the deadline for our First Choice Scholarships is January 31st. You must confirm to Bluefield College by this date to reserve one of these scholarships.
- The Landsdell Scholarship- an extra $3000 for students with a 3.5 GPA and a 1050 SAT score(reading and math combo) or a 24 on the ACT (30 scholarships are given)
- The Harman Scholarship- and extra $2000 for students with a 3.0 GPA and a 950 SAT score (reading and math combo) or a 20 on the ACT (20 scholarships are given)
- The Alumni Referral Scholarship- $1000 for students who are referred by a Bluefield College Alumnus (10 scholarships are given)
- The Church Matching Scholarship- We will match up to $1000 of scholarship money from your home church. (10 scholarships are given)
If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact an Admissions Counselor at 1.800.872.0175 ext 231
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Good Ol' Fashion Dirt Diggin'
Transfer Open House
· 9:45- Registration in Shott A&B
· 10:00- Welcome, Academic Overview, Student Q&A
· 10:30/45- Admissions Info Session
· 11:00- Tours
· 11:30- Lunch
· 12:45- Closing and Meet with Your Counselor
For directions please visit us at: http://www.bluefield.edu/templates/System/details.asp?id=30250&PID=231423
FYI: Don’t trust Map Quest and your GPS directions when it comes to traveling to Bluefield College, unless you enjoy the scenic route over the mountain.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Xtreme Winter Blast

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Julie's Ram-blings #1

The past few months at Bluefield have been a blast! I was a little nervous when I first got here; what if people don’t like me? What kind of things do I want to get involved with? I asked myself all of the usual questions that a college freshman would ask themselves.
I am rarely ever bored here at Bluefield. Whether we are going to a

Last weekend was our homecoming. The theme was Havana Nights and they did a very good job with decorating and fitting it into the dance itself. We were offered Salsa dancing lessons for the last couple of weeks, which I attended. Everyone who went seemed to have a really good time, and it came in handy when they played some Salsa music at the dance. There was a lot of good music played, and you couldn’t help but get up on the dance floor and join in with everybody else. It was a fun dance that left everyone exhausted the next day.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Do You See What I See?
We have had just two weeks of Fall weather. It went from the 80's to low 40's & 30's in just a few days. Some may call it global warming, we say, "that is Bluefield weather for ya'."
Another thing before I go, BULLDOZERS are out doing their thing to get prepared for the new dorm!
Friday, October 17, 2008

October 30-November 3- BC Theatre Dept presents Peter Pan

November 10- Author of "Flags of our Fathers," James Bradley, will be the key note speaker at a fundraiser dinner.
November 15- Open House. Please call us at 1.800.872.0175 ext 231 to register or register online at our Traditional Undergrad site
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Need to Breathe

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
High Up on the Mountain Top
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Let's Get Ready to Rumble

From the back to the front we have President Dr. Olive, Ewell Vernon the Athletic Director, Toby Zigar the VP of Enrollment Management, Steve Spangler the VP for Advancement, and Dr. Kerr our Bio Professor and interim VP of Academics.
As you can see, Dr. Spangler like to put fear in the heart of his opponents by yelling. His opponents in this game was the Women's Soccer team.
And, YES, their shirts are tucked into sweatpants.
We are blessed to have leadership at Bluefield who can get the job done along with having a good time and giving our students a good laugh!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Student Ambassadors

Monday, September 1, 2008
Cotton Candy Man

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Row Row Row Your Boat

There was some smooth sailing...
... along with some rapids.
All in all you can't beat views like this...
... and fun times like this. Cow.a.bunga!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Back to School
Monday, August 18, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
- Ground will be breaking soon for our new residence hall.
- We have cleared out an area in the Student Activities Center for the Starbucks kiosk.
- The soccer and volleyball teams have all moved into the dorms and have been practicing all week. It is great to see students milling about campus, even though they are fresh out of a tough practice and don’t smell lovely! But we are excited to see y’all play! (The first home game of the season is the Women’s Soccer scrimmaging against Alderson Broaddus College on Thursday the 21st.)
We are also very excited to welcome the rest of the Class of 2012 on Saturday and see our returning friends on Sunday. Have safe travels everyone!
Welcome Week Schedule
Fall 2008
Saturday, August 16
New Student Move-in
Matriculation Ceremony 4:30 p.m.
Crazy in the Quad w/RA’s 8:00 p.m.
Sunday, August 17
Returning Students move-in
Campus Safety for new students – SAC – 4:00 p.m.
SUB Ice Cream Social – Quad – 8:30 p.m.
Monday, August 18
New Student Orientation
SGA Movie on the Lawn – Quad – 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 19
Auditions for Music Performance Ensembles – Harman 2 – 5 p.m.
Mixer at the Moxley’s for all Music majors and minors 7 p.m.
BCM Evening Event 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 20
First Day of Class
Sand Volleyball and tailgate – Sand Volleyball Court – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 21
Bingo to stock your room - SAC SUB
Women’s Home Soccer Scrimmage 4pm
Friday, August 22
Weekend Cinema in the Quad – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 23
Appalachian Trail Club Canoe Trip – time TBA
Men’s Soccer Scrimmage – Roanoke College – time TBA
Sunday, August 24
Campus Wide Church Service – Harman Chapel – 11:00 a.m.
Welcome Home College Town Social – Downtown Bluefield, VA
Monday, August 25
Laser Bowling – Time TBA
Tuesday, August 26
Community and Organizational Fair – Jardine Plaza – 11 – 2
BCM Evening Event
Wednesday, August 27
SUB Sponsored build your own SUB sandwich SAC – 7:30 p.m.
Women’s Home Soccer Game 5pm
Thursday, August 28
SPIRITFEST in the DOME 7:30 p.m.
Friday, August 29
Beaver/Graham Tailgate Party, Dome Field 5:00 p.m.
Weekend Cinema 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 30
Make a Difference Day, Service Learning Projects, Sponsored by the DMC
Women’s Home Soccer Game 4pm
Sunday, August 31
RA sponsored Pool Party, Harmony Acres 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Virginia Private College Week
Please RSVP to 1.800.872.0175 or admissions@bluefield.edu
For more information visit http://www.privatecollegeweek.org/ or http://www.cicv.org/
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
New Students
- New Student Move In: August 16th.
- Final Registration: August 19th.
- First Day of Classes: August 20th.
The Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant application must be in our Financial Aid Office by July 31st.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Another Reminder
June 20th & July 11th
RSVP with Carrie Camden at 1.800.872.0175 ext 206 or ccamden@bluefield.edu
~If you have already attended the Richmond Registration on April 22nd or the Mud Pig Day Registration on May 1st, you do not need to sign up for the Summer Registration dates.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Coffee Anyone?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Financial Aid Update
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tassels, Gowns and Foghorns

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Freshman Registration Dates
June 20th & July 11th
RSVP with Carrie Camden at 1.800.872.0175 ext 206 or ccamden@bluefield.edu
If you have already attended the Richmond Registration on April 22nd or the Mud Pig Day Registration on May 1st, you do not need to sign up for the Summer Registration dates.
Monday, May 5, 2008
New Residence Hall

Friday, May 2, 2008
Mud Pig Day 2008

This year’s Mud Pig Day commenced with the ground breaking for the new Residence Hall that will be open Fall ’09. It was an all around exciting, yet relaxing, day for BC students and faculty/staff.

Monday, April 28, 2008
May 1st Registration
If you are Planning on coming to the May 1st (Mud Pig Day) Registration please contact Carrie Camden.
Monday, April 14, 2008
- 70 degrees last Friday
- Snow Today
- Back to 70 on Wednesday.
Odd weather to say the least, but it is beautiful!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Helen's World ~ Volume 2

On another note, winter is officially over and spring is here to stay...at least until summer. Walking around on campus in the 72 degree weather, I feel like a obsessive poet...."The flowers are all in bloom and the animals are all a flutter as they mingle happily on the Bluefield campus". Man, where did that come from?And I'm not even an English major!
The weather is beautiful though, especially compared to the cold, icy winter that Bluefield faces every year. Every one is ready for winter to arrive by the time summer is over. Everyone is ready for the snow to fall and cover the mountains, but we are really ready for spring once winter is brought to a close.

Well, that's all from me this time around. I hope you have a pleasant day, I know I will in this wonderful weather here, and until my next blog, happy spring!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Bring on the Noise

Friday, April 4, 2008
Holocaust Symposium Begins

In the Science center the Virginia Holocaust Museum brought their “Dame Mary Baracco: Torchbearer of Freedom” display from Richmond. Mary Baracco was born an U.S. citizen but later moved to Europe to be a Freedom Fighter. She was betrayed and then captured by the Gestapo. Mary, at the age of 19 was sent to four different prisons and then to the Breendouck Concentration Camp where she endured torture and sterilization. Mary survived the holocaust and documented her ordeal through painting and scrapbooking artifacts from her life.
Thursday, the Bluefield College Theatre Department opened the Diary of Anne Frank. The production depicts the true story of Anne, who was a Jewish, happy-go-lucky 13 year old who documented her life in hiding. Freshman, Caleigh Keith, who portrays Anne, had the audience laughing at one moment then in tears the next. Historic videos and pictures from the War were shown on screens during the production, which punctuated the reality of the horrors. As photographs of Anne streamed on the screens at the end of the production, the audience in respect remained silent.
“Despite of everything, I believe that people are really good at heart” ~ Anne Frank
Monday, March 31, 2008
Jeff Diehl Visits Campus
Check out his website!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Helen's World ~ Volume 1

Next month in the beginning of April, we are going to having our Spring Formal. Spring Formal is put on by Student Union Board or SUB, as we like to call it. I am a member of this organization and we put on a majority of campus-wide events along with the Residence Life and BAM, blessings and More. Our theme for this year is “Under the Sea”. It is going to be a “sea” of greens, blues, and bright colors imitating the awesome beauty of the living ocean. It is sure to be a “swell” time for BC students and we are all looking forward to it! Well, that’s all for Helen’s World now, until next time.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Pat Forde's College Basketball Article
Bluefield College Men's Basketball team was mentioned and highly regarded in a article by ESPN's Pat Forde: Check it out!
Plans for a Community Center

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Bluefield College Ram Pride

During spring break our Ram Baseball team toured Florida. They won 2 of their 3 games. Their record to date is an outstanding 12-2.
For the second year in a row BC men’s basketball headed to the NAIA National Championship ending their season with a 25-7 overall record!
In Women’s Soccer, Joe Wehrle has been named the head coach. He will officially start April 1st but is available to contact for inquiring soccer players.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Go and Tell

Campus Minister, David Taylor and Rish Residence Hall Director, Kelly Somers headed up a group of students and traveled to South Africa for Spring Break. Amy Montgomery, Brad Shockley, Brad Lavoie, Sharde Sherman, Jessica Rayle, Derek Bostic, Josh Cline, Lee Adams, Lesley Gray, Lisa Reale and Scott Quirin flew out from Charlotte, NC Thursday, February 28th and landed in Cape Town, South Africa.

From there they went to the Orange River where they worked with Churches, both in Namibia and South Africa. From dawn till dusk they provided worship services, handed out Bibles and witnessed three baptismals. The remainder of the trip the BC crew hung out with local kids. They played soccer and taught them how to play Duck-Duck-Goose. They also went around Cape Town and made connections with the locals by doing prayer walks and delivering meals to folks who make a daily average of 2$ a day.
It is a nasty, rainy windy day in Bluefield but we can feel Spring right around the corner! Baseball and Softball season has started. And if you have been in Bluefield for a while, the sound of the baseball cracking against the bat is one of the first signs of Spring. Flowers are coming up and the birds are back. It is the perfect time to come up and check out our campus, it isn't too cold it isn't too hot. Well, it really is never too hot, local stores celebrate when it gets above 90 Degrees by handing out free lemonade.
Keep checking us out for updates!
Some reminder dates are:
· April 17th– Tailgate in Salem for the BC Baseball Team. You and your family are invited. Email an RSVP with Maggie Lavoie at mlavoie@bluefield.edu
· Registration Dates: June 2oth, July 11th. Also on April 22nd we will hold an Registration at our Richmond office for those who live in the surrounding area.
· April 1-30: The Holocaust: A 21st Century Retrospective. A symposium of lectures, theatre, photography, music, exhibits and travel. Check our website for events and times